Saturday, February 14, 2009

What To Do When You Are In A Lift

1. Stop looking at your reflection

2. Press the buttons of all floors you've already passed

3. Press the speaker button and sing cry for help, just randomly!

4. Challenge yourself to say the names of all Amrita Arora movies
You'll probably get stuck at Girlfriend

5. Shake the elevator from side to side

6. Use the lift walls to write a love letter to that girl you like

7. Press buttons of the numbers of your birth date; see how long it takes to reach your floor

8. Try undressing and re-dressing till your floor comes. Time this so that you can apply for a Guinness Record

9. Try to hold your breath for at least 4 floors. If you can’t, take yoga classes

10. Kiss good-bye to all the walls of the elevator, say "I’ll miss you, see you soon!"

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