Monday, September 22, 2008

Dealing With Dark Times

With the demand for power growing everyday, and the consequent load shedding, here are some tips to deal with the dark days ahead

Play Forest Gump- Just Sit And Stare

Remember the last scene of the famous movie where Tom Hanks just stares at the empty road?? When there is no power, you could play Tom Hanks. Sit in front of your house staring at the road (not empty, in this case). Watch the vehicles zoom buy and marvel at the advent of technology. If you are lucky enough, you might even witness a fit of road rage, i.e. a lesson in the latest expletives.

Know Thy Neighbors- Don’t Let them Know U

The cover of the darkness is a great time to get to know your neighbors, especially since you are sitting at home killing mosquitoes. This is especially helpful if you are one of those babbling types who don’t make a good first impression. Since its dark, your neighbor may not recognize you the next day, so you are free to criticize the snacks or his place. If you already know your neighbor and don’t like them much (we’re twin souls!), then let loose the child in you- bang his gate and run away (not to be practiced if your neighbor has dog)

Take The Dog For A Walk- Poop-A-Lot Time

If it’s dark inside and Tommy is lying around bored with life in general, get that leash around his neck and take him for a walk. No streetlights means your pup is free to poop anywhere he fancies, like in front of that hateful neighbor’s gate!! He might need a bit of encouragement from you, but he won’t let you down.

Act Studious- Read That Candle

If you are a student, then you could always use the power-less times to show your parents how hard-working you are by studying under candle-light. Not only will it take the parents attention off you when the power comes back, but given the fewer distractions, it means something you read might actually get into your head!!!! Take a bath and slap on some hair oil, just to add the effect.

Play Current-Free Games- Games We All Play

Are you the kind who believes games can only be played on computer or on your cell? Then, sitting around without electricity gives you a chance to be innovative and come up with new games—like the most no of candles lit by a single match-stick. If you are really mean, you could slip on a glow-in-dark mask and run behind street kids scaring them (in some cases, just a torch to your face should do the trick!!) just think outside the box!!

Do A Scooby Doo- Catch That Car!

You could, of course, imitate another movie character i.e. Scooby Doo and run behind the vehicles screaming (barking if you can manage) but this tends to attract a lot of unwanted attention. If someone recognizes you, you are in for an unscheduled trip to Mental Asylum.

The above mentioned technique may help you survive till you are switched on again. But the best method to kill time when there is no power is to…..

Editor’s Note: The author couldn’t complete the sentence as the power just went off in his place.

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